Adding a Paycode to Multiple Associates by a Line Manager

You can easily add a paycode for one or multiple associates.

Adding a Paycode to Multiple Associates

You can add Paycodes to multiple associates directly within the schedule planner.

  1. Navigate to the schedule planner.
    1. Select Main Menu from the home.

    2. Select Schedule > Schedule Planner.

  2. Select the associates you want to add the paycode to by putting a check in the box next to their name.
    1. Note: You can hit select all at the very top.

  1. Right click on the associates name and select Add Paycode.

  2. Select the effective date (if desired).
    1. Select your Paycode.
    2. Select the duration (specify Amount).
    3. Key in the amount of hours.
 Step 1-a  Step 1-b Step 2-a Step 3 Step 4