Edit a Schedule Pattern – Timekeeper Task
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A TIMEKEEPER ONLY TASK. If you require a permanent base schedule change please use this link: CLICK HERE.
Define which employee pattern or patterns to modify
Open the Schedule pattern dialog for specific employees having the same schedule pattern in one of these ways:
- Right-click an employee’s name and select Schedule Pattern.
The Schedule pattern dialog appears.
Define the type of modification:
- Note the tabs above the pattern table. Click the tab of the pattern you want to edit.
- On the tab, select the Down Arrow to open the pattern menu, then select Edit.
- The Edit pattern dialog appears. Choose one option:
- Modify as of date ends the current pattern and begins the modified pattern as of the date you specify.
- Overwrite Pattern erases the current pattern from the last sign-off date to the end date and replaces it with the modified pattern.
- Click Apply to confirm your choice and continue by modifying options for the pattern.
Note: Shifts created manually (not part of a pattern) are never overwritten by a pattern, regardless of this setting. However, you must ensure that any manually created shifts do not conflict with the pattern created shifts.
- Make the necessary edits to the shifts or availability.
Note: Leave any cell blank to represent a day that has no shift or paycode.
- Specify which week, or which day, the new pattern should start on.
- Click Apply. The dialog closes and the pattern is applied for the loaded period.
- On the main schedule page, click Save. The pattern is rolled out for its entire length.