Retail - Request Type Definitions
Review the table below to learn more about the request type definitions that are available in My Calendar.
Different Request Types
Availability Change | This option will not change your permanent availability. This option is to change your availability for a select number of days. |
Request to Cover | This option is used to give away your shift to another associate without replacing the worked hours. |
Swap | This option is used to trade a shift for shift with another associate. |
Time-Off | This option is used to request time away from work. This includes options of paid and unpaid time off. |
VACATION: Multiple Accruals | This is paid time off. Will include both previous and current year vacation time. Automatically this option will select hours from previous year, if available, before selecting hours for current year off. |
COMP BUS | This option is not applicable for retail. |
FLEXHOL CY | This is paid time off. A flexible holiday is intended to give associates time away from work who will likely be working on designated holidays. Only available to full time associates. This type of paid time off does not carry over to the next year. |
JURY DUTY | This is partially paid time off. Should be used when summoned for Jury Duty. This request can be approved at any time upon verification of appropriate documentation. |
MILTRY UNPD | TThis is unpaid time off. Should be used when a member of the military is called to duty. This request can be approved at any time upon verification of appropriate documentation. |
TIMEOFF UNPD | This is unpaid time off. Can be used to submit for time away from work without using any paid time. |