Retail - Associate Set Up

How to set up and maintain profiles for new or existing associates in myTime.

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance > People Information OR Select associate > Go to > People


Set up for new Associates occurs in the People Information section. Some People Information categories are optional, as noted below.

Edit the following: 

  1. Employee > Information > ‘Primary Job’
  2. Employee > Information > ‘Contacts’ *optional*
  3. Timekeeper > Employee Role >
    1. ‘Employee Job Transfer Set’ (1st time set up)
    2. ‘Employee Job Transfer Set’ (edit existing set)
    3. ‘Job Preference’ *optional*
  4. Scheduling > Skills and Certifications
  5. Scheduling > Scheduler >
    1. ‘Worker Type’
    2. ‘Group Assignment’ Removal (if any)
    3. ‘Schedule Rule Set’
  6. Scheduling > ‘Employee Preferences’ *optional*
Dimensions main menu with the People Information entry highlighted.

Primary Job

Go to: Employee > Information > ‘Primary Job’

  1. Enter the information in the blank cells.
  2. Enter effective date.
  3. Select the primary job from the business structure drop-down menu.
  4. The ‘Primary Labor Category’ should remain identical to what originally populated.
  1. Save.

Primary Job area with arrow pointing to plus (+) symbol and Primary Labor Category column highlighted.

Step 2 – Contacts *optional*

Go to: Employee > Information > ‘Contacts’

  1. Enter phone number(s).
  2. Save.
Contacts entry fields in Dimensions.


Employee Job Transfer Set (1st time set up)

Go to: Timekeeping > Timekeeper > Employee Role > ‘Employee Job Transfer Set’

  1. Select empty box under ‘Employee Job Transfer Set’ and select ‘Create’.
  2. Select all Jobs applicable to the Associate from the business structure, through the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter ‘Group Name’ for the transfer set.
  4. Enter ‘Description’ and save.
  5. Enter ‘Effective Date’.
  6. Save.
Employee Job Transfer Set area with Create button highlighted with overlay of the Organizational Group Editor area displayed and the Group Name field highlighted.


Employee Job Transfer Set (edit existing set)

  1. Click on the Group Name of the existing Job Transfer Set.
  2. Select Edit (instead of Create).
  3. Follow set 3 above to add or edit existing set.
  4. Save.

Employee Job Preference *optional*

  1. Locate the ‘Job Preference’ chart below the ‘Job Transfer Set’.
  2. Use the drop-down menu in the ‘Job Preference’ column to assign priority to preferred jobs.
  3. 0 (lowest priority) – 10 (highest priority).
  4. Save.

Job Transfer Set screen displayed with Job Preferences column highlighted.

Skills and Certifications

Please refer to ‘Retail – Certifications’ job aid.


Go to: Scheduling > Scheduler > to see Worker Type, Group Assignment, and Schedule Rule Set

Schedule screen in Dimensions with the following fields highlighted: Worker Type, Group Assignments, and Schedule Rule Set.

Worker Type

Use the drop down to select worker type

Group Assignment

  • Retail Associates should not have a group assignment.
  • If a Group Assignment is pre-populated, enter an effective end date to remove.

Schedule Rule Set

  1. Select drop down under schedule rule set.
  2. Select corresponding schedule rule set to worker type previously entered.
  3. Enter effective date.
  4. Save.

Employee Preferences *optional*

Go to Scheduler > ‘Employee Preferences’.

  1. Select the box to ‘Override Employee Preferences in Schedule Generation Strategy’.
  2. Preferences Weight, in one or more boxes, must equal 100.
  3. Save.

Employee Preferences screen with the Weight column highlighted.