Retail - Generating/Editing a Schedule

How to generate and edit a schedule.

Go to: Main Menu > Schedule > Schedule-Planner Retail

Generating a Schedule

Quick Actions tools with Generate Schedule button highlighted.

  1. Select range of dates and location.
  2. Select ‘Generate Schedule’ option.
  3. Ensure the correct schedule generation strategy is selected.
  4. Select ‘Start’.
Generate Schedule panel.


Editing a Schedule

The tabs at the bottom of the window assist in editing after a schedule has been generated.

Indicators: Indicates how many associates/hours are currently scheduled. This does not include pay codes or open shifts for the location selected.

Rule Violations: Shows violations based on the associates schedule rule set. (Ex: Over hours, outside of availability, incorrect skill set, etc.)

Coverage: A graph comparing planned coverage, scheduled coverage, and open shifts.

Absence Calendar: Outlines the number of associates with approved time away from work.    If the number includes a black bullet point, this represents a pending request.

Metrics: Represents forecasted hours for each job in the location selected. Must use the drop down to select specific metric.

Audit: Specifies all changes to an associate's schedule/availability.

Tabs at the bottom of the screen after schedule has been generated. 

Quick Actions Function

Additional Information

  • You can use the quick actions function as a shortcut when editing the schedule.
  • By clicking on the quick actions button, a list of functions appear.
  • By using each of these functions, you will be able to move and edit shifts just by clicking the shift you’d like to edit.
Generating Schedules with Quick Actions button highlighted.

Generate Schedules Quick Action tools expanded.

Assign: Assigns open shifts to employees.

Unassign: Unassigns an employees shift and transfers the shift to be an open shift.

Insert shift transfer: Transfers a shift already assigned to an associate to another location.

Insert shift template: Inserts a shift template to create an open shift that is specific for certain jobs and times.

Comment: Assigns a premade comment to a shift or pay code (ex. No lunch taken).

Pay code: Adds a pay code to a scheduled shift.

Copy/Paste: Copies first shift selected and pastes as many times as needed.

Delete: Deletes scheduled shifts.

Lock/Unlock: Locks and unlocks shifts. A locked shift restricts shift swaps, request to covers, and edits.

Swap: Used for scheduled or open shifts to swap who is assigned.