Retail - Generating/Editing a Schedule
How to generate and edit a schedule.
Go to: Main Menu > Schedule > Schedule-Planner Retail
- Forecast Planning has been processed for the correct dates.
- PTO queue is cleared with no outstanding requests.
- All pre-planned shifts are entered (special events, engagement sessions, training classes, off-property events, inventory, etc.).
Generating a Schedule
- Select range of dates and location.
- Select ‘Generate Schedule’ option.
- Ensure the correct schedule generation strategy is selected.
- Select ‘Start’.
Editing a Schedule
The tabs at the bottom of the window assist in editing after a schedule has been generated.
Indicators: Indicates how many associates/hours are currently scheduled. This does not include pay codes or open shifts for the location selected.
Rule Violations: Shows violations based on the associates schedule rule set. (Ex: Over hours, outside of availability, incorrect skill set, etc.)
Coverage: A graph comparing planned coverage, scheduled coverage, and open shifts.
Absence Calendar: Outlines the number of associates with approved time away from work. If the number includes a black bullet point, this represents a pending request.
Metrics: Represents forecasted hours for each job in the location selected. Must use the drop down to select specific metric.
Audit: Specifies all changes to an associate's schedule/availability.
Quick Actions Function
Additional Information
- You can use the quick actions function as a shortcut when editing the schedule.
- By clicking on the quick actions button, a list of functions appear.
- By using each of these functions, you will be able to move and edit shifts just by clicking the shift you’d like to edit.
Assign: Assigns open shifts to employees.
Unassign: Unassigns an employees shift and transfers the shift to be an open shift.
Insert shift transfer: Transfers a shift already assigned to an associate to another location.
Insert shift template: Inserts a shift template to create an open shift that is specific for certain jobs and times.
Comment: Assigns a premade comment to a shift or pay code (ex. No lunch taken).
Pay code: Adds a pay code to a scheduled shift.
Copy/Paste: Copies first shift selected and pastes as many times as needed.
Delete: Deletes scheduled shifts.
Lock/Unlock: Locks and unlocks shifts. A locked shift restricts shift swaps, request to covers, and edits.
Swap: Used for scheduled or open shifts to swap who is assigned.