Retail – Schedule Planner
Navigating and working in the schedule planner.
Go To: Main Menu > Schedule Planner > Schedule Planner – Retail
Schedule Planner Views
Using the drop down in the top left corner, select ‘View by Employee’ or ‘View by Job’.
View By Employee
This View shows scheduled shifts by each associate for the selected range of dates. In this view you can search by associate name.
View by Employee – Table View
- Shifts can be added or edited by clicking in the individual cell.
- Shift will block the whole cell regardless of shift length.
- Individual days do not have hours displayed.
View by Employee – Gantt View
- Shifts can be edited by double clicking on the individual shift.
- Shifts can be dragged and dropped onto associate schedules.
- When looking at a single day, shifts and breaks can be adjusted by dragging the shift arrows.
View By Job
- This view shows scheduled shifts by each job location for the range of dates.
- In this view you can search by job location.
- Only Gantt view is available.
- Assigned shifts and associates can be transferred to another job by drag and drop.
Tray View
- When in ‘Employee View’ additional information can be expanded for each associate within the location selected.
- This is where associates can be searched within the schedule planner.
Collapsed Tray
- Collapsed view includes associate name only.
Expanded Tray
- The expanded tray will include all columns selected through refinement.
Personalize your schedule planner view using the following selections in ‘Show/Hide’.
Navigating View by Date Range
- To view a single day, select the individual day tab. Click on the total week at the top to bring back the total week view.
- Gantt view is only available up to a 7-day view.
- Table view is available up to 14 days on the same screen.
- Any date range more than 14 days will result in tabs by week at the top of the schedule planner.
- The total scheduled hours will reflect the entire date range you have selected, regardless of the view you chose.
‘Right Click’ Options
‘Right Click’ on Shift
Edit: Opens the ‘Edit Shift’ pop out menu. Can edit shift times, break times, and add transfers.
Add Paycode: Opens the ‘Add Paycode’ pop out menu. In this screen you can add to, replace, or remove the original shift with a paycode.
Assign Breaks: This option auto assigns breaks based on the shift length.
Enter Time Off: Allows the user to submit a time off request on behalf of the selected associate. This also allows the option to auto approve the request.
Unassign: Unassigns the shift from the selected associate and creates an open shift.
Delete: Deletes the selected shift.
Override Availability: Opens the individual days ‘Availability’ pop out menu. The associates available for the selected day can then be edited.
Note: When in ‘View by Job’, ‘Override Availability’ is replaced with ‘Schedule Pattern’ and opens the selected associates ‘Schedule Pattern’ pop out.
Lock: Locks a shift to disallow edits, shift swaps, request to covers, or reassignments.
More Actions:
Unlock: Removes parameters from a locked shift.
Cut: Cuts the shift and can be pasted on another date or associate.
Copy: Copies the shift and can be pasted on another date or associate.
‘Right Click’ on Associate Name
Schedule Planner: Opens the selected associates ‘Schedule Pattern’ pop out menu.
Add Shift: Opens the ‘Add Shift’ pop out menu.
Add Paycode: Opens the ‘Add Paycode’ pop out menu. In this screen you can add to, replace, or remove the original shift with a paycode.
Enter Time Off: Allows the user to submit a time off request on behalf of the selected associate. This also allows the option to auto approve the request.
Lock: Locks a shift so no edits, shift swaps, request to covers, or reassignments can occur to the shift.
Unlock: Removes parameters from a locked shift.
Insert Shift Transfer: Opens the ‘Insert Shift Transfer’ pop out menu where you can transfer a portion of the selection shift to another location.
Append Shift: Opens the ‘Append Shift’ pop out menu where you can add on a job transfer to either the beginning or end of a selected shift. The original shift will not be adjusted.
Replace Shift: Opens the ‘Replace Shift’ pop out menu where a selected shift can be deleted and exchanged with a different shift.
Go To: Provides quick navigation options for the selected associate(s).
‘Right Click’ on Blank Cell
View by Employee
Override Availability: Opens the individual days ‘Availability’ pop out menu. The associates available for the selected day can then be edited.
Add Shift: Opens the ‘Add Shift’ pop out menu.
Add Paycode: Opens the ‘Add Paycode’ pop out menu. In this screen you can add to, replace, or remove the original shift with a paycode.
Schedule Tag: Opens ‘Schedule Tag’ pop out menu.
Insert Shift Template: Opens the ‘Insert Shift Template’ pop out menu which includes sample shifts.
Enter Time Off: Allows the user to submit a time off request on behalf of the selected associate. This also allows the option to auto approve the request.
Restore: Reinstates last saved change.
Paste: Paste the last shift copied or cut.
View by Job
Add Shift: Opens the ‘Add Shift’ pop out menu.
Insert Shift Template: Opens the ‘Insert Shift Template’ pop out menu which includes sample shifts.
Enter Time Off: Allows the user to submit a time off request on behalf of the selected associate. This also allows the option to auto approve the request.
Paste: Paste the last shift copied or cut.
Additional Notes
Break Assignments
- Generated schedules will auto assign breaks. These breaks are staggered based on all like jobs to maximize coverage.
- When breaks are manually assigned through a single shift the breaks are staggered based only on the single shift length.
- Break assignments must be manually entered when creating a reoccurring schedule pattern.
- When viewing a single day in Gantt view, assigned breaks can be manipulated directly on the shift.
Segment Tags
Tags a single segment within a shift. Can be done before or after generating a schedule. If done before generating a schedule, it will allow additional segments to be added before or after the tag and will not allow breaks to generate during the tag.
Schedule Tags
An informational tag to alert associates of upcoming/important communication and events. A schedule tag is similar to a shift with only one segment and no impact to attendance.
Time Off
Paycode | Enter Time Off |
Availability is not changed. | Availability is changed to ‘Unavailable’ for 24 hrs after the time off begins. |
Not included in the absence calendar. | Included in the absence calendar. |
Can be tracked through data views. | Can be tracked through data views. |
Visible only in posted schedules. | Can be viewed by the associate in ‘My Calendar’ and ‘My Requests’. |