Retail - Team Definitions

Team definitions outline suggested approvals and refusals for requested time off.

Go To: Main Menu > Maintenance > Team Definitions

Creating a Team

  1. From the Team Definition landing page select ‘Add a Team’.
  2. Create a ‘Team Name’. Optionally, add a description.
  3. Specify a start and end date.
  1. Add ‘Employees in this Team’ using the hyperfind selection.
  1. Select ‘Apply’.
Team Definition's Add a Team panel options.Employees in this Team options with the Hyperfind selection displayed.


Team Definition Tabs

Team Members

Team members lists the teams names, Chris ID, location, primary job, worker type, and how many employees are in the team.

Team Absence Quota

  1. Ensure you have the desired team selected (highlighted).
  2. Select the Team Absence Quota tab.
  3. Input the desired quotas into each day of the week/holiday.
  4. Select ‘Save’ when complete.


Optional Actions:

  1. Adjust the % for recommendations on time off requests approval.
    • 0%= All days must meet the absence quota to recommend approval.
    • 50%= 50% of days must meet absence quota to recommend approval.
    • 100%= All days have flexibility for meeting the absence quota to recommend approval.
  2. If auto approval is selected, the request will be automatically approved if the Absence quota and recommendations are met.
Recommendation Settings with Auto Approval option highlighted.