Getting Started with Your Mobile Device - Line Manager
Launch the Workforce Dimensions App
From your mobile device:
- Search for the Workforce Dimensions app:
Log on to Workforce Dimensions Web
- To access Workforce Dimensions, enter in the URL field.
Signing Out
Signing Out of Workforce Dimensions:
- Closes your session
- Signals to the application that you no longer require access to any of its components
- Prevents other people from accessing your information
- To log off Workforce Dimensions, tap the Main Menu icon
and tap Sign Out.
Recommended Practice
Kronos recommends that you always end your work session by tapping the Sign Out link, located in the top-left corner.
Home Page Overview
The Home page is composed of tiles, which are containers that display a summary of content from product components. You can tap a tile to perform a function such as punching in or out. You can also navigate to application-specific components, and take actions on schedules, timecards, and other items that you may use regularly.
- Tap the Main Menu
to open the main menu and access your employees' timecards, schedules, and Dataviews & Reports within the application.
- Tap Restore
to restore the Home Page to its original configuration. The Restore button turns orange to indicate that it is active, and changes have occurred. If you tap Restore, you will only see Application tiles, not charts.
- Tap Settings
at the top right of the screen to access the Tile library and add or remove tiles to and from your Home page.
- Tap the question mark
at the top right of the screen to get online help.
- Tap Alert
at the top right of the screen to see alerts and notifications in the application.
Employee Search
Managers require the ability to find specific employees and then navigate to their person record, timecard, or schedule to review or edit information. Employee Search is a global search feature that lets a manager quickly find specific employee records by entering their name or ID.
To use Employee Search:
- Tap the magnifying glass to open Employee Search.
- In the Name or ID field, enter the last name, or employee ID number followed by (*) and tap Search.
* - use for a multiple character substitution, such as J* for all names that begin with J. - If applicable, from the Time Period drop-down menu, select the applicable timeframe.
- Select the employee or employees from the list and tap GoTo to navigate to the employee Timecard, Schedule, People information, or Report.